Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Deliverance At Hand! District Convention

Cameron, Justin & me Posted by Picasa

Sister McDaniels! Posted by Picasa
 Posted by Picasa

Congrats Austin, I mean Br. Romansky : ) Posted by Picasa

What? Posted by Picasa

Br. Tony , me & Br. & Sister Benjamin Posted by Picasa

Frank & Chris Simonelli Posted by Picasa

Br. Tromley Posted by Picasa & the new book: "Live With Jehovah's Day In Mind"

Kathy & Alice Posted by Picasa
 Posted by Picasa

Jon Posted by Picasa

Robin & Robin Posted by Picasa

Cc, Savannah, Julie & me Posted by Picasa

Twins! j/k Greg! Posted by Picasa

Rachel & Caleb Posted by Picasa
Posted by Picasa
The Drama, wasn't it great?
The props and everything were pretty awesome!
Posted by Picasa
8,603 PEOPLE

Part of the "Cleaning Crew" : ) Posted by Picasa

Jessica & me Posted by Picasa

Br. Rodriguez on the left is the Apostle John in all of our past publications (in the pictures & illustrations) Posted by Picasa

TONYPosted by Picasa

Sister Brown & her origami boxPosted by Picasa

Br. Brown Posted by Picasa

Denise & Stephanie Posted by Picasa

David & Austin Posted by Picasa